Full-length documentary

Community Boundaries

Can't Feel Nothing

(Can't Feel Nothing)

Who turned off our emotions and why? One day, director David Borenstein realised that endlessly staring at his mobile left him completely numb, neither happy nor sad – nothing. As if something had sucked all his emotions out of him. Is this really happening? And who’s responsible?

With his camera, Borenstein went searching the world over, gradually discovering that we’re all victims of professional emotional manipulators who capitalise on eliciting specific emotions. From the USA, across Europe and Russia to China. From individuals to giant corporations. From propagandistic influencing, to trolling, to extreme overeating.

He guides us through a world of bizarre phenomena, revealing the tragicomic reality of the online environment and our lives. The film, imbued with black humour, shows that the situation is bleak, but there is still hope for a remedy.

Basic information about the film

TitleCan't Feel Nothing
Original TitleCan't Feel Nothing
Original LanguageEnglish
Zněníoriginal audio, children’s films dubbed in Czech
Subtitles Czech subtitles, select films have descriptive Czech or English subtitles (look for the accessibility icons next to each screening)
PremiéraCzech premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginDenmark
Length81 min.
Tags Possibilities of the Future, Lifestyle, Media
Director David Borenstein

All screenings

Kino Scalka
Univerzitní kino Scala, Moravské náměstí 127/3, Brno

Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)
Language: English
Subtitles: Czech

Kino Lucerna
Minská 19, Brno

Piktogram přístupného místaPiktogram přístupné toaletyPiktogram plošiny Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)
Language: English
Subtitles: Czech