Short documentary

One World for Families

With Grace

(With Grace)

Grace is one of 8 siblings living in a Kenyan farming village. Rain falls only twice a year and is vital to her family and neighbours – it keeps crops, animals and people alive. But with changing climate comes increasing drought. Many farmers leave to work in the city.

Grace is worried that her father, who makes difficult situations easier with kindness and humour, will leave too. But he decides to fight the drought. The film shows how water, which is readily available in Czechia, is very important on the other side of the world. It also shows the father’s struggle to keep the family together despite the harsh conditions.

Basic information about the film

TitleWith Grace
Original TitleWith Grace
Original LanguageCzech
Zněníoriginal audio, children’s films dubbed in Czech
Subtitles Czech subtitles, select films have descriptive Czech or English subtitles (look for the accessibility icons next to each screening)
PremiéraCzech premiere
Film typeShort documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginKenya, Norway
Length29 min.
Director Julia Dahr, Dina Mwende

All screenings

Kino Art – Small Hall
Cihlářská 19, Brno

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