Woman resting head on an elderly person's hand, woman lying down on elder's lap.



Sofia Bekatorou is a member of the Greek Olympic sailing team. But her life takes a completely different course after she accuses a high-ranking sports official of rape, igniting the first spark of the #MeToo movement in Greece.

Competitive sport means travelling without parents from an early age, with only your coach and team. After Sofia’s open testimony, Amalia, another top Greek athlete, dares to speak out about how her coach took advantage of her vulnerable position: he, a person she trusted, first raped her when she was aged only 11. The documentary follows the trial, during which Amalia is constantly humiliated and her accusations are trivialised in an attempt to discredit both her testimony and her sporting career. Although the court ultimately rules in Amalia’s favour, both she and Sofia realise that the fight to modernise Greece’s legal system, which lacks a comprehensive framework for monitoring child abuse, is just beginning.

PROSTOR Děčín, Teplická 59/49, Děčín

Original TitleTack
Original LanguageEnglish, Greek
Zněníoriginal audio, children’s films dubbed in Czech
Subtitles Czech subtitles, select films have descriptive Czech or English subtitles (look for the accessibility icons next to each screening)
PremiéraCzech premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginGreece
Length95 min.
Tags Women's rights, Justice, Europe
Director Vania Turner

Others Films from category Right To Know
