
Saturday 03/15 20:00

Edison Filmhub

Language: English, Pashtoo
Subtitles: Czech, English

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After fleeing from the Taliban to Vienna, 4 friends are waiting for a decision on asylum. For several years, they capture fragments of their lives in a foreign land on camera, insightfully revealing the personal stories of the involuntary nomads of today.

Samim, Najid, Fawad, and Marwand are united by language, culture, and their common flight to Europe. While some are granted asylum in Austria, others become illegal refugees. But in all cases, integration into society is crucial for their future.

Male Beings

Basic information about the film

Original TitleCaravan
Original LanguageEnglish, Pashtoo
Subtitles Czech, English
PremiéraInternational premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginAustria
Length94 min.
Director Lucy Ashton

Hosté debaty po projekci

Lucy Ashton


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Ponrepo Cinema
Bartolomějská 11, Praha 1

Klára Trsková, curator of decolonial cinema
Dávid Lipkovič, activist and artist

Edison Filmhub
Jeruzalémská 1321/2, Praha 1

Lucy Ashton, director