Tomáš Poštulka
Language: Kurdish, Swedish
Subtitles: Czech, English
(G - 21 scener från Gottsunda)
Violence. Brotherhood. Drugs. Rap. While Loran’s childhood friends become gangsters, he avoids crime. His origins give him the opportunity to film a unique testimony from within the local ghetto subculture, from the lives of those who call “G” home and for whom guns are a toy and violence a part of life. With no prospect of a peaceful future, it’s not easy to live in Gottsunda. But it’s even harder to leave.
Male BeingsBasic information about the film
Title | G - 21 Scenes from Gottsunda |
Original Title | G - 21 scener från Gottsunda |
Original Language | Kurdish, Swedish |
Subtitles | Czech, English |
Premiéra | Czech premiere |
Film type | Full-length documentary |
Year of Production | 2024 |
Country of Origin | Sweden, Denmark |
Length | 80 min. |
Director | Loran Batti |
Sales |
Story AB Melissa Lindgren |