
Monday 03/17 18:30

Prague Municipal Library – Small Hall

Language: Slovak
Subtitles: English

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Hanging Without Walls

(Pozor, padá SNG!)

Directors Jana Durajová and Lena Kušnieriková began documenting the imminent renovation of the Slovak National Gallery while still students. But, due to constant delays and waiting for funding and official permits, the filming and the renovation took almost 10 years.

The longitudinal documentary tracks not only the renovation of a key cultural institution but also the resolve and patience of Alexandra Kusé, the National Gallery’s former director, who devoted an admirable amount of time and energy to the project.

The Slovak Journey

Basic information about the film

TitleHanging Without Walls
Original TitlePozor, padá SNG!
Original LanguageSlovak
Subtitles English
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2023
Country of OriginSlovakia
Length78 min.
Director Lena Kušnieriková, Jana Durajová

Hosté debaty po projekci

Alexandra Kusá


All screenings

Prague Municipal Library – Small Hall
Mariánské nám. 1, Praha 1

Alexandra Kusá, protagonist