
Friday 03/14 20:30

Kino Pilotů - Hall A

Language: German
Subtitles: Czech, English

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Single Perpetrator Part 3: Hanau

(Einzeltäter Teil 3: Hanau)

“My children aren’t Germans. That’s why they killed them.” These disturbing words reflect the German reality of today as the far right continues to incite increasing violence. In peaceful Hanau, a “lone gunman” kills 9 people. We return to the scene of the terrorist act with the victims’ friends and families.

The government praises the police actions, but the survivors are certain that the police could have prevented the attack. Authorities didn’t react to letters the killer sent before the attack revealing his intentions. Meanwhile, the murders of immigrants and their offspring by lone wolves are on the rise, all linked by a similar scenario and the hatred stirred up by far-right politicians. Are immigrants becoming second-class citizens in Germany?

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Basic information about the film

TitleSingle Perpetrator Part 3: Hanau
Original TitleEinzeltäter Teil 3: Hanau
Original LanguageGerman
Subtitles Czech, English
PremiéraInternational premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2023
Country of OriginGermany
Length86 min.
Director Julian Vogel

Guests attending the post-screening debate

Sebastian Winkels


Zaher Jureidini


All screenings

Kino Pilotů - Hall A
Donská 19, Praha 10

Sebastian Winkels, Editor
Zaher Jureidini, Moderator
Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)

Prague Municipal Library – Small Hall
Mariánské nám. 1, Praha 1

Alžběta Medková , Moderator
Zuzana Zavadilová, AMO
Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)