
Saturday 03/15 18:00

Kino Pilotů - Hall A

Language: Kazakh, Russian
Subtitles: Czech, English

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Streets Loud with Echoes


The murder of Kazakhstan’s first Olympic champion, a young figure skater, in the centre of Almaty led to massive protests against the inaction of the security services, the apathy of politicians, and the pervasive corruption in today’s Kazakhstan.

The turbulent situation is presented through the spokespeople for a new movement: a political analyst and a journalist. Both are passionate about their cause, but when they decide to speak out against the regime, they risk their safety. Katerina Suvorova brings us a direct and intimate look into the lives of the activists, their inner struggles and the decisions that will affect their fate and also the fate of the entire country.

Searching For Freedom

Basic information about the film

TitleStreets Loud with Echoes
Original TitleQoryqpa
Original LanguageKazakh, Russian
Subtitles Czech, English
PremiéraEuropean premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginKazakhstan, USA
Length94 min.
Director Katerina Suvorova

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Kino Pilotů - Hall A
Donská 19, Praha 10


Světozor Cinema – Small Hall
Vodičkova 41, Praha 1
