Full-length documentary

Czech Competition

Pit Stop Reporter

(Reportáž psaná na benzínce)

Seeking the roots of disinformation in Czechia, journalist Ivana Svobodová is mocked and faces personal attacks at anti-government protests when she confronts people who share a hatred of traditional media and spreading disinformation.

Determined to track how unverified news, popular blogs and alternative media are thriving, Ivana travels from Respekt’s editorial office to meet the founder and author of the blog Vidlák’s Kydy. Trying to understand his views only leads to more insults. The story about the futility of mutual dialogue takes us among disgruntled citizens and, together with the reporter, we see what the price of professional journalism is in the age of misinformation.

Basic information about the film

TitlePit Stop Reporter
Original TitleReportáž psaná na benzínce
Original LanguageCzech
Subtitles Czech, English
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginCzech Republic
Length54 min.
Tags Politics, Media
Director Zora Čápová

All screenings

Světozor Cinema – Small Hall
Vodičkova 41, Praha 1

Piktogram přístupného místaPiktogram schodolezu Piktogram Audiopopis (AD)Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)

Edison Filmhub
Jeruzalémská 1321/2, Praha 1

Piktogram přístupného místa Piktogram Audiopopis (AD)Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)
Ondřej Kamenický, Moderator
Ivana Svobodova, Protagonist
Zora Čápová, Director