Full-length documentary

Male Beings

Sabbath Queen

(Sabbath Queen)

With Orthodox Jewish roots, Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie continues his family legacy as a rabbi, but his queer identity also matters to him. After coming out in the 1990s, he left Israel, moved to New York, and focused on reforming Judaism. He has organised art happenings to support women and the LGBT+ community and has found fame as a drag queen.

Surrounded by believers but aren’t afraid to question the outdated rules of Judaism, Amichai pushes its rigid boundaries by promoting interfaith marriage, criticising patriarchy, and protesting the occupation of Palestine. The film takes us through 20 years of trying to establish a dialogue between two worlds that are both united and divided by faith.

Basic information about the film

TitleSabbath Queen
Original TitleSabbath Queen
Original LanguageEnglish, Hebrew, Yiddish
Subtitles Czech, English
PremiéraCzech premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginUSA
Length105 min.
Tags LGBTQ+, Middle East
Director Sandi DuBowski
Sales ROCO Films
Annie Roney

All screenings

Světozor Cinema – Third Hall
Vodičkova 41, Praha 1

Piktogram přístupného místaPiktogram schodolezu Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)
Sandi DuBowski, Director
Lea Elisha, Moderator

Prague Municipal Library – Large Hall
Mariánské nám. 1, Praha 1

Piktogram přístupného místaPiktogram přístupné toalety Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)
Sandi DuBowski, Director
Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie, Protagonist
Lea Elisha, Moderator