Three young people are relaxing on a couch, two of them are looking at a phone.

Short documentary

One World for Families

I Am Influencer

(I Am Influencer)

Influencer culture is a contemporary phenomenon that enters our lives through social networks. But do we think about the content we are actually consuming? And why do we spend 5 minutes watching a person trying to eat several tins of fruit? For influencers, self-presentation is both a natural thing and part of a considered career.

Some people want to educate, others just to entertain. Internet popularity serves as a major source of income for many, which only requires social media knowledge and enthusiasm. Influence and fame are, however, ephemeral in the anonymous waters of the Internet. The race for a larger following can easily turn into a dangerous time-sucker, but also a venue for hate speech or stalking.

Basic information about the film

TitleI Am Influencer
Original TitleI Am Influencer
Original LanguageCzech
Subtitles No Subtitles
Film typeShort documentary
Year of Production2022
Country of OriginCzech Republic
Length26 min.
Director Pavel Bartovský

All screenings

Ponrepo Cinema
Bartolomějská 11, Praha 1

Piktogram přístupného místaPiktogram přístupné toaletyPiktogram Indukční smyčka Piktogram Jeden svět pro rodiče s dětmi
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