A man is standing in a workshop and looking at a humanoid robot.

Full-length documentary

Community Boundaries

Sex Robot Madness

(Sex Robot Madness)

Artificial intelligence is practically a part of our daily lives. Will the technological boom affect even sexual relationships? This question led director Jimmy Mehiel to explore the production of sex robots.

The seemingly peripheral issue of the production of these erotic humanoids gradually develops into a symptomatic phenomenon of today. Through interviewing a range of experts, the film outlines many perspectives and insights into the disturbing sexual appeal of the machine.

At first glance, this bizarre industry seeks to harness the revolutionary potential of robots as therapeutic tools and coaches for high-quality human relationships. But it is hard to shake the suspicion of the objectification of the human body and the commodification of sex.The essay documentary also considers how voluntarily and involuntarily single people will approach their intimacy in the near future and whether it will be linked to technology.

Basic information about the film

TitleSex Robot Madness
Original TitleSex Robot Madness
Original LanguageEnglish, French, Mandarin
Subtitles Czech, English
PremiéraWorld premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginUSA
Length96 min.
Tags Possibilities of the Future, Lifestyle, Feel Good
Director Jimmy Mehiel
Sales Sideways Film
Kazz Basma

All screenings

Světozor Cinema – Large Hall
Vodičkova 41, Praha 1

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Jimmy Mehiel, Director
Yuliya Moskvina, Moderator

Prague Municipal Library – Small Hall
Mariánské nám. 1, Praha 1

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