
Films in this category address the process of searching for and defining one's own identity in various ways. They emphasise that identity is not bound by set limits or predefined boxes.

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Rather it is a fluid and evolving process that unfolds at our own pace and on our own terms. And above all, identity is a matter of personal choice. 

Life Is Not a Competition, But I'm Winning takes a courageous dive into the discourse on gender identity, using a visually striking essay format to challenge the rigid norms of the sports world. Through thought-provoking arguments and examples, the film showcases contemporary and historical sports figures who have defied the societal expectations and norms of their time. 

Obstacles encountered by characters in these films often stem from entrenched social norms and conservative attitudes. In La Singla, a hybrid film, the protagonist follows in the footsteps of a mysterious flamenco dancer known for her captivating dance, charisma, and enigmatic persona.

Similarly, Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry tells the powerful story of a confident heroine who defies the conformist ideals of female destiny in a conservative Georgian community, whilst navigating a late-blooming first love. Films like Queendom and Sorry/Not Sorry grapple with the complexities of achieving equality within one's own identity. Meanwhile, 20,000 Species of Bees underscores the importance of a supportive environment and having ample time for self-discovery. Your Struggle – My Struggle takes on a more existential approach in exploring identities, through which the characters contemplate their own lives and future directions. 

Films in category Identities

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