Person with a transparent facial mask, dimly lit room.

Is There Any Place for Me, Please?

(Moje nová tvář)

When 25-year-old Martina’s ex-partner douses her with acid, her world falls apart. She loses her sight, and her face and upper half of her body are badly burned. Step by step she learns to live with blindness and reclaims her life.

For weeks after the violent attack, Martina is fighting for her life. More stays in hospital, several operations and painful treatments follow. Martina, who always found physical beauty important, revises her priorities. She builds a new life and, in large part, a new identity. She deeply changes her relationships both with herself and with the people around her. She begins to find fulfilment in activities that help others, leading to a change in her vocational focus. Professional footage alternates with footage shot by Martina. Together they present the image of a brave woman for whom a tragic experience becomes an opportunity for emancipation.

House of Culture Vodnany, Zeyerovy sady 963, Vodňany

Language: Czech
Subtitles: Czech
TitleIs There Any Place for Me, Please?
Original TitleMoje nová tvář
Original LanguageCzech
Zněníoriginal audio, children’s films dubbed in Czech
Subtitles Czech subtitles, select films have descriptive Czech or English subtitles (look for the accessibility icons next to each screening)
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2023
Country of OriginCzech Republic
Length75 min.
Tags Health, Women's rights, Europe
Director Jarmila Štuková
Is There Any Place for Me, Please?