
Friday 03/14 19:00

Prague Municipal Library – Large Hall

Language: Slovak
Subtitles: English

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Question of the Future

(Otázka budúcnosti)

The Slovak government’s motto is: “The less educated the nation, the more votes for populists.” So schools are short on funding and students are emigrating in droves due to the acutely felt political gloom.

Bratislava grammar school students begin their last year full of optimism but end up disappointed by the parliamentary election result as they watch the vote counting during their school-leaving celebration. The last straw is the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico.

The Slovak Journey

Basic information about the film

TitleQuestion of the Future
Original TitleOtázka budúcnosti
Original LanguageSlovak
Subtitles English
PremiéraCzech premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginSlovakia
Length71 min.
Director Maroš Brázda

Hosté debaty po projekci

Andrea Michalcová

director CPIS

Maroš Brázda


Katarína Batková

director of Via Iuris

All screenings

Prague Municipal Library – Large Hall
Mariánské nám. 1, Praha 1

Andrea Michalcová, director CPIS
Maroš Brázda, director
Katarína Batková, director of Via Iuris