Full-length documentary

People in Need Presents

Hезламні - One Mission, Four Lives

(Nezlomní - jedna mise, čtyři životy)

Hезламні - One Mission, Four Lives is a documentary that follows the experiences of four aid workers from People in Need as they navigate life and work in Ukraine during the ongoing Russian invasion. The film offers an intimate look at the challenges faced by civilians and humanitarian organizations in the country. It highlights the resilience of the Ukrainian people and the critical humanitarian and human rights support provided by People in Need, shedding light on the personal stories of those committed to making a difference in a time of crisis.

Basic information about the film

TitleHезламні - One Mission, Four Lives
Original TitleNezlomní - jedna mise, čtyři životy
Original LanguageCzech, English, Ukrainian
Subtitles Czech, English
PremiéraCzech premiere
Film typeFull-length documentary
Year of Production2024
Country of OriginCzech Republic, Ukraine
Length52 min.
Tags Ukraine
Director Petr Jančárek

All screenings

Národní 28, Praha 1

Piktogram Anglické titulky (EN)
Petr Jančárek, Director
Petr Štefan, Moderator
Nadiia Ivanova, People in Need
Petr Drbohlav, People in Need