The evening on Saturday, April 13, will be dedicated to the fictional Georgian film Kos v ostružiní.

Film tip from the dramaturg

The heroine of this casual ode to female independence is a middle-aged single woman who, after an unexpected event, begins to reassess her priorities and discover her own sexuality.

Forty-eight-year-old Etero sells in a drugstore in a remote Georgian village. She does not fit into the local community, has never married and has no children. She is an independent woman of firm principles who does not say much. While picking blackberries over a precipice one morning, he stumbles and nearly falls into a wild river. After a threatening incident, the surrounding world begins to be experienced with greater intensity and with all the senses. However, the late sexual awakening takes both Etero herself and her surroundings out of the comfort zone. The emancipatory drama, told with insight, is an adaptation of the novel by Tamta Melashvili, a Georgian writer involved in the fight for women's rights. Like its protagonist, the film is characterized by a mixture of earthiness and casual charm. Come to see a film with specific humor and unusual poetics that will resonate with you for a long time.