The Student Jury awarded the film Mr. Nobody Against Putin

Režisér a protagonista filmu Pavel Talankin s cenou studentské poroty v rukou.

The Student Jury awards the Student Jury Award for Best Film in the One World in Schools category, aimed at older primary school students and secondary school students. The winner is decided by three active high school students who have participated in the One World at Schools project.

The Student Jury Award went to Mr. Nobody Against Putin. The film tells the story of former Russian teacher Pavel Talankin, offering a testimony about daily life during the war and uncovering the mechanisms of Russian propaganda in schools during the so-called “special military operation.” 

"This year's student category featured a diverse range of films that evoked strong emotions in us. However, the film that resonated with us the most depicted an environment we are most familiar with and where we have spent much of our lives. It tells the story of a person who, trapped within the system, sacrificed what was most precious to them.  

Freedom is a gift, and we are grateful that the film’s protagonist fights not only to ensure that their own office remains a place of democracy, but also to protect the broader world around them" said the Student Jury about Mr. Nobody Against Putin.  

The award was received by directors David Borenstein and Pavel Talankin from the hands of Karel Strachota, director of the One World in Schools educational programme.

The Student Jury: Anna Baláčková, Julia Heczková, and Petr Suchánek


Photo: © Lukáš Bíba 

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