We're working for 30 years. We've selected 12 unique documentaries that capture People in Need in action while on their extraordinary mission to help the world.
Perhaps this is hard to believe, but the inaugural One World Festival was held last millennium: in 1999. The same year People in Need (PIN) helped repair war-torn houses in Kosovo and dispatched a convoy of 11 humanitarian aid trucks to Kosovo refugees in Montenegro. At that time, People in Need had already been actively helping people for seven years. The non-profit organisation has now decided to present a series of documentaries about the world they've worked in and the human rights violations they've witnessed, thereby exposing domestic audiences to important yet often sidelined problems.
This year, we're commemorating the 30th anniversary of People in Need. What started out as a group of journalists bringing medicine, blankets, and food to people in grave danger from the conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh and in former Yugoslavia in 1992 has now grown into a non-profit NGO that helps thousands of people in dozens of countries around the world and on the home front in the Czech Republic.
One film you can look forward to, in particular, is Angola: Dream and Reality (2008), which explores how the "white man" returns to Angola seven years after the end of an oppressive civil war, this time to help the locals get back on their feet. Meanwhile, the film Valley of the Last Mujahideen (2003) again shows People in Need helping out in Afghanistan, where war and conflict are present everywhere you turn. People in Need also has a long history of helping the Czech Republic with floods, and they self-produced the film Landscape in Need (2017), which comments on the state of the environment in the Czech Republic, the Beskydy floods, and the country's drought problem.