The award for Best Director in the International Competition goes to Elizabeth Lo for Mistress Dispeller

Režisérka Elizabeth Lo s cenou za režii v Mezinárodní soutěži v rukou hovoří k publiku.

The International Competition presents films from around the world that address current global events and pressing societal issues. The International Competition jury, consisting of three prominent film figures from both the Czech Republic and abroad, traditionally awards two prizes: the International Competition Jury Award for Best Film and the International Competition Jury Award for Best Director. 

The International Competition Jury Award for Best Director was awarded to director Elizabeth Lo. Her film Mistress Dispeller, which explores an extramarital affair and the subsequent intervention of a mistress tamer, examines love, loyalty, and privacy invasions in the context of modern China. 

"Being a member of the international competition jury of the One World Film Festival allowed us to enter different worlds. We were exposed and brought closer to the subjects, giving us different perspectives. Whether it was a big or a small window, it moved us tremendously. 

We had a chance to see the tensions in the atom, which reflect the society on a larger scale beyond a nation or a state. The director was able to capture all the aspects of the family life with a clear vision and an eye for detail" said the International Competition Jury on Elizabeth Lo’s direction. 

The award was received by director Elizabeth Lo from the hands of Czech Television's chief documentary dramaturge, Ivana Pauerová Milošević.

International Competition Jury: film dramaturge and photographer Lyse Ishimwe Nsengiyumva, filmmaker and artist from Gaza Mohamed Jabaly, director, producer, and educator Peter Kerekes 


Photo: © Lukáš Bíba

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